
"No. 47 in the Organization, Clare, successor of Teresa's flesh and blood, bearer of Irene's right arm and the one who carries Ophelia's hopes and soul to hunt the Awakened Being Priscilla." – Clare

Also known as:No. 47(Former)
Claymore Stats
Rank:No. 47(Former)
Special Abilities:Quicksword, Windcut

Acute Yoki sensing
Fate:Merged with

the Destroyer
Background Information
Affiliation:The Organization


Survivors of the

Northern campaign
Family:Parents and brother

was killed by a

First Appearance

Scene 1
First Appearance

Scene 1
Voice Actors
Japanese:Houko Kuwashima
English:Stephanie Young
Clare is the protagonist of Claymore. She is the only known Claymore to have taken in the flesh and blood of another Claymore to become one, rather than taking in the flesh and blood of a Yoma, making her a quarter-Yoma as opposed to half-Yoma like other warriors. As such, she was given the rank No. 47. Despite this, she shows great powers when fighting Yoma and Awakened Beings, and has acquired great techniques.

Clare is the only person to have volunteered to undergo the process of becoming a Claymore.


I.Meaning of "CLARE"

II.Clare's Physical Appearance

II.c.Partially Awakened Being



IV.a.Acute Yoki Sensing
IV.b.Awakened Limbs
IV.d.Voice Change
IV.e.Wind cutter/Windcutter
IV.f.Yoki Supression
IV.g.Organization Rating

V.Clare's Biography

-Early Life
-Time with Teresa
-Employment as a Claymore
-Traveling with Raki
-Awakened Being Hunts
-Fight with Ophelia
-Witch's Maw
-Northern Campaign
-Seven years Time-skip
Trouble in the West



VII.Behind the scenes

VIII.Anime and Manga Differences


I.Meaning of "CLARE"/Etymology

"Clare" is a transliteration of the Japanese "Kurea" (クレア, pronounced "ku-re-a").

In the West, "Clare" derives from three sources: the French feminine name "Claire" (derived from the French word for "clear" or "light"), the British-Irish "Clare" derived from the Latin "clarus" (famous). And the Irish county Clare (Anglicization of the Irish-Gaelic "an Clár"), meaning "a plain or flat place."

II.Clare's Appearance


Clare as a child appears thin and frail. She wears her brown hair long and has green eyes. young clareHer scarred body depicts abuse from Yoma that used her as a cover and a toy as Teresa said.


Her hair is cut in a pageboy. As a trainee, she wears it in a long "hime" (princess) style. When ambushed by a Yoma during her final test, she cuts off 2/3 of her hair to hang out a window as a decoy (Extra Scene 4). It has remained short since, and is pale blond as with other Claymores. Her eyes are silver and her body scars gone, except for the unseen stigmata on her abdomen. She has a wispy, frail body which disguises her supernatural strength.

Height: 170 cm (5 ft 6.92in). Dominant arm: right.

She loses her right arm in a fight with Ophelia, but Irene gives her arm as a gift to show the existence of Teresa.clare in snow Yoki-suppressant returns a Claymore to her original eye color. But in the anime, Clare's eyes in Rabona are depicted brown, not green (possibly a directional continuity issue).

C.Partially Awakened Being

Clare's eyes turn gold with slit pupils like a Yoma and her face and body become distorted.awakened clare Her legs become hock-jointed like a horse's, making her faster, and blades grow from her right arm, with her left becoming large and claw-like. Her awakened right arm is most likely what Irene's right arm would have resembled on awakening.


"You already appear calm on the surface. But your real heart is a whirlpool of passion." – Irene

Even from childhood, Clare's enormous willpower is apparent when she would persistently follow Teresa despite the dangers. While with Teresa, she was initially mute, but gradually opens up.

Her determination to kill Priscilla made her take Teresa's flesh and blood into her body and become a Claymore. As a Claymore, she has a chilly demeanor, refusing all help and wanting to master all things by herself. But this is a facade.irene teaches clare

Clare repeatedly risks all to save others. But she grieves deeply when others do the same, as did Jean. Clare ignores all warnings, rushing into any situation, regardless of danger.


A.Acute Yoki Sensing

Like Teresa, Clare reads the flow of Yoki in opponents, predicting their moves. This ability has helped Clare to easily slay normal Yoma and Average Awakened beings.clare vs. ophelia

B. Awakened Limbs
First seen during the Northern Campaign. Clare's legs become hock-jointed—a cross between a horse and Pterosaur. Her left arm becomes a giant claw, and her right arm sprouts several blades. Her awakened limbs allows her to move at lightning speed.

clare awakened

Clare's awakening ends with Jean dying, as she brings Clare back to normal. Clare's next awakening attempt fails against Priscilla, due to a mental block caused by Jean's death.
In the manga version, Clare awakened just to kill Rigardo, and she didn't battle with Priscilla unlike in the anime, she battled first with Priscilla and killed Jean in her awakened form.
She also didn't see Raki in the northern campaign, and Jean died without seeing Raki also.


By releasing all yoki into the sword arm, controlling the berserking arm through sheer will, Clare attacks at superhuman speed. Irene tries teaching Clare the Quicksword.irene's praiseWhen Irene realizes Clare can never master the Quicksword in her condition, Irene cuts off her arm and gives it to Clare as a "parting gift".

D.Voice Change
Clare has the ability to impersonate a male voice and other types of voices. She does this only once in her search for Raki in Hanel.clare voice change

E.Windcutter/Wind Cut
Flora's technique, it is similar to Quicksword in its many consecutive attacks at superhuman speed. Slower, yet more accurate than Quicksword. During the Seven Years Time-Skip, Clare trains with Windcutter since it releases no Yoki.clare vs. flora

F. Organization's Rating for Clare

    Clare's Rating:
  • Yoki: E

  • Agility: E

  • Muscular Strength: E

  • Spirit: D

  • Perception: C+

  • Leadership: E

Clare seem's to be the lowest of all Claymores because she is 1/4 Yoma and 3/4 human, but whenever she berserks, she seems to be strong and clever from awakening her four limbs without fully awakening.

V. Clare's Biography

Early life

Clare's parents are killed by a Yoma impersonating her brother. When the Yoma attacks Clare, an unnamed Claymore kills the Yoma.
young clare 2
But another Yoma captures Clare, forcing her to travel with him as a cover and toy. Scars on her body show abuse. Clare's suffering shuts her down emotionally and she becomes mute.
But still another Claymore would come into her life.

Time with Teresa
teresa and clare life
At the village of Teo, Clare accompanies seven Yoma. Teresa arrives and kills all seven. When Clare sees Teresa, she sees the same pain in Teresa's eyes as Clare endured. Empathizing with Teresa, she tries embracing Teresa, despite Teresa's rejections.

Afterward, she follows Teresa through the wilderness. After falling from a cliff, Clare passes out from dehydration and Teresa allows her to follow. Teresa guesses Clare's name. After an attack by a bandit, Clare manages to speak and explain to Teresa about her feelings.

clare 5
Teresa kills a Yoma at the town of Rokut. She leaves Clare with a couple. But the Yoma was protecting the town from bandits, who now attack. Teresa returns. When Clare regains conscious, Teresa had killed all the bandits, thus marking herself for death.

teresa ha
Teresa deserts the Organization—she and Clare go into hiding. Teresa is targeted for death. The Organization sends Priscilla, Irene, Noel and Sophia. Teresa defeats the hit squad. Teresa escapes with Clare, but an awakened Priscilla finds them. Clare watches the fight and Teresa's death.

noel vs. teresa
Once Priscilla leaves, Clare takes Teresa's head and searches for a member of the Organization. She finds Rubel and demands Teresa's flesh and blood be put in her.

Employment as a Claymore

Clare joins theelena Organization to avenge Teresa and, during her transformation, meets Elena, befriending her and relying on her for support during her painful hours.

In her final test, Clare struggles with an old rival in a ruined town. Clare is the only one who senses the Yoma. She saves the injured rival and kills the Yoma.


At the village of Doga, Clare saves a young boy, Raki, from a Yoma disguised as an older brother. Later, she rescues him from the desert and deposits him at an inn in Egon.clare and raki
Later, when Raki searches for Clare, she rescues him from a Yoma disguised as a Claymore. After guessing that Raki was exiled from Doga, she lets him follow her as her cook.

Traveling With Raki

Rubel gives Clare the Black Card of Elena. Clare reveals to Raki the Black Card system when one cannot control awakening. She kills Elena on Mount Shire, despite Raki's protests.
While on a mission to Rabona, Clare is forced to hide her identity with yoki-suppressant. She arranges with Father Vincent, who requested a Claymore, to care for Raki if she dies. The Yoma attacks Clare in the cathedral. She is unconscious for two days.clare smile When she recovers, she finds and kills the Yoma.

Awakened Being Hunts

Clare disobeys orders regarding an Awakened Being Hunting Party in Toriro. The party leader, Miria, threatens to complain to the Organization. But Clare is sent yet on another party, against a more dangerous Awakened Being.

The Paburo Hunting Party is also lead by Miria, plus Deneve and Helen. Helen taunts Clare about her ranking.

Later, when the party actually meets the Awakened Being, Miria realizes the Organization misinformed them of the Being's power. All four Claymore go down, but Clare somehow gets up, despite her injuries. Miria gets up and helps Clare kill the Awakened Being, with Clare removing five of its six arms.

clare helen deneve and miria
Miria now trusts her new friends and reveals her mistrust of the Organization. The four swear an oath of friendship and promise to meet again. Finally, Miria warns the group to stay away from the top five Claymores.

fight With Ophelia

Clare joins her third Awakened Being Hunting Party in the town of Gonal. The leader is Ophelia, one of the single-digits that Miria warned about. Ophelia challenges Clare and Raki to a fight. Clare refuses so Ophelia cuts off her legs. Ophelia toys with Raki, while Clare reattaches her legs. When the Awakened Being appears, Clare and Raki escape while Ophelia fights the being.
Clare orders Raki to leave, promising to meet again. She flees alone, but Ophelia catches up. Ophelia slices off Clare's arm and Clare escapes by falling off a cliff. Ophelia follows and destroys the severed arm. After losing her left hand, Clare is helpless.
ophelia haha
Irene shows up and disables Ophelia with her "Quicksword."

Clare wakes up in a cabin, in Irene's Hidden Valley, where Irene hid since Teresa's death. While recovering, Clare confesses she wants Priscilla's head. Irene decides to train Clare in her Quicksword attack. After seeing Clare can never do the Quicksword, Irene cuts off her right arm, giving it to Clare as a parting gift.

After Clare leaves, she comes across the awakened Ophelia in a forest. They fight until Ophelia realizes her awakening. She challenges Clare, allowing her to use her new move to cut through Ophelia's long body. When Clare reaches the end, Ophelia lets Clare kill her.

Witch's Maw
After a three month time-skip, Clare arrives at the town of Hanel. She is disguised as a man. From her room at the local inn, she sees Jean leading an Awakened Being Hunting Party to Mount Zakol.
Later, while Clare speaks with a young girl about a Clare and Teresa statue, a Claymore arrives, Raquel, fatally wounded. Raquel tells Clare the hunting party has been captured. She begs Clare to help. Clare promises as Raquel dies. She heads to Mount Zakol, site of the Witch's Maw, an abandoned castle, home of Riful of the West.

Inside, Riful oversees the torture and awakening of the Claymores, done by her consort, Dauf. Jean is the sole survivor.dauf

After fighting several Yoma, Clare enters the castle. Dauf attacks. She fights Dauf, trying to get past him to save the party. Dauf finally catches her. But Galatea appears. Originally sent to retrieve Clare, Galatea rescues Clare and tries to leave, but Dauf caves in the entrance. Galatea, now forced to fight Dauf, orders Clare to get Jean, while Galatea holds off Dauf.

In the chamber Clare finds an awakened Jean. Despite Jean's pleas to be killed, Clare copies Galatea's yoki technique and pulls Jean back to normal.
Jean pledges her life to Clare before they return to help Galatea. The three Claymores defeat Dauf at the last moment, but Riful rescues Dauf before his head is taken off. Riful rewards Clare's efforts by telling her where Priscilla is, before leaving with Dauf. Galatea allows Clare to continue her journey.

Clare objects to Jean following her, saying that the debt is already paid since Jean's example of willpower made her Quicksword even better. She abandons her search for Raki when Rubel and Rafaela catch them. Rubel informs them of the death of Claymore No. 7 Eva in Alphonse. Clare also learns that Raki has been captured by slave-traders and reluctantly accepts her orders to go north.jean and dauf

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